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Q&A About Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss by audseo

Are you experiencing signs of hearing loss? You may not even know it. Many times, hearing loss can develop slowly over years—so subtly that your brain rationalizes the loss. However, just because you don’t know hearing loss is an issue doesn’t mean it isn’t affecting you. People wait on average seven to five years from the time they suspect they …

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Smokers May Be at Higher Risk for Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss, Hearing Loss Prevention by audseo

Are you a smoker? Despite overwhelming information highlighting the dangers of tobacco use through smoking, vaping and chew, still today an estimated 28.3 million adults in the United States currently smoke cigarettes., leading approximately 16 million to live with a smoking-related disease. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that “smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and …

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How AI Can Assist Those with Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss by audseo

Are you worried about the artificial intelligence revolution? The 21st century and the new millennium is well in full swing now, and many of the dates of our most beloved and feared science fiction lore have already come of date. What we are discovering is that rather than tales of robots taking over the world, artificial intelligence (AI) is actually …

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How Prevalent is Hearing Loss in the US?

In Hearing Loss by audseo

Hearing loss is commonly underestimated in its severity and undertreated worldwide. It’s common to think that some degree of hearing loss is no big deal—in fact insurance companies are banking on it, as they continue to regard hearing aids as elective treatment, despite overwhelming research showing their importance in preventing loneliness, depression, social isolation, reducing the loss of earnings in …

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Treating Hearing Loss Can Support Your Physical Ability & Well-Being

In Hearing Loss by audseo

“What was that?”  If this seems to be your tagline the last time you socialized then it may be time to have your hearing tested. All too often, people put off suspected hearing loss- on average, seven to ten years, in fact without understanding the risk. Hearing loss has not only been linked to increased issues in communication but surprisingly …

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When Hearing Loss Becomes Reality

In Hearing Loss by audseo

People tend to ignore early signs of hearing loss. In fact, it takes an average of 7 years for people to address their symptoms. Nearly 1 in 5 people have some degree of impaired hearing, a medical condition that affects over 48 million people. Though it is the third most common health issue people live with today, it still remains …

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Treating the Symptoms of Acquired Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss, Hearing Loss Causes by audseo

Did you know that nearly 1 in 5 people have some degree of hearing loss? Hearing loss affects over 48 million people, making it the third most common medical condition people live with today. Learning more about hearing loss and how to identify symptoms can help protect your hearing health and wellness.  Hearing loss can either be acquired or congenital. …

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Hearing Loss & Vertigo: All About Meniere’s Disease

In Hearing Loss by audseo

Meniere’s disease is a type of inner ear disorder. Discovered in 1861, it is named after the doctor who first came across the condition. Meniere’s disease can have several effects including pressure in the ears, tinnitus (ringing or clicking in the ears), and can contribute to balance issues. Though Meniere’s disease is comparatively rare (impacting nearly 1 in 1,500 people), …

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Osteoporosis and Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss by audseo

Hearing loss is one of the most common health conditions people live with today. Extensive research focuses on factors that increase the risk of developing impaired hearing. Studies show that osteoporosis can double the risk of hearing loss. Research reveals that there is a significant correlation between both conditions which impact older adults disproportionately. If you have osteoporosis, it is …