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Weather Preparedness Tips for People with Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss, Tips and Tricks by audseo

Winter months means lower temperatures, colder weather, and varying weather conditions. Inclement weather requires weather preparedness which helps people stay safe. Remaining aware of weather conditions and making sure you are prepared is important. Emergency conditions are often communicated through broadcasting systems like the TV or radio or through cell phone alerts. While this is helpful for some, this can …

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Understanding the Degrees of Hearing Loss

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by audseo

Hearing loss is a complex and diverse condition. It has many causes and can present itself if various ways. Regardless of the root cause or type of hearing loss, it can be categorized by the degree of loss. What are the Degrees of Hearing Loss? As mentioned, hearing loss presents itself in many ways. It can be one sided, only …

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Understanding the Experience of Hearing Loss

In Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss by audseo

Being misinformed about hearing loss can have serious consequences. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there about hearing loss and about the people who are affected by it, which can lead to actions or decisions that are not conducive to interactions. Here, we will dispel some of the most common misconceptions about hearing loss so that you can …

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This November, Test your Hearing in Honor of American Diabetes Month

In Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss by audseo

From vision issues and kidney problems to hearing loss, the complications of diabetes can be wide ranging. Understanding the steps to take for prevention as well as management of diabetes can help to protect from most of these complications. What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs when the pancreas fails to produce any or not enough insulin …

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A Link between Hearing Loss and Rheumatoid Arthritis 

In Hearing Loss, Hearing Loss Causes by audseo

A recent review of published findings related to rheumatoid arthritis and hearing loss was released. The stated purpose of this review is to examine the cause, or pathology, of hearing loss in rheumatoid arthritis patients as well as to discuss management. What is Rheumatoid Arthritis? Rheumatoid Arthritis, or RA, is an autoimmune inflammatory disease. This means the patient’s own immune …

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Patients with Untreated Hearing Loss Incur Higher Healthcare Costs over Time

In Hearing Loss, Hearing Loss Prevention by audseo

In one of the largest studies of its kind, researchers at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health determined that people with untreated hearing loss incur significantly higher healthcare costs than people without hearing loss. With an average of 46%, or $22,434 per person, more spent on healthcare over ten years, these findings are not only noteworthy but should …

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Protecting Your Child’s Hearing at School

In Hearing Loss, Hearing Loss Prevention by audseo

Age related and noise related hearing loss are the most common types of hearing loss, however it is important to understand that these are gradual and oftentimes impacted by lifelong lifestyle choices. With this in mind, it is crucial to begin noise exposure education and reduction at a young age to protect hearing in the long term. Let’s look at …

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As an Invisible Condition, Hearing Loss Often Goes Ignored

In Hearing Loss by audseo

Hearing loss is a diverse condition that can impact a person at any age or degree. Age-related hearing loss, or presbycusis, is one of the more common types of hearing loss and tends to occur gradually. Hearing loss can also happen suddenly at any point in life or it can be congenital, meaning you are born with the condition. As …