Hearing loss is a persistent issue affecting many individuals worldwide. Veterans have a high risk of hearing loss, and it’s one of the most prevalent service-connected disabilities. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), more than two million veterans receive disability compensation for hearing loss and tinnitus. Tinnitus and hearing loss present significant challenges for veterans, affecting their …
A Deep Dive into How Hearing Works
Have you ever wondered how your ears transform sound waves into the melodies of everyday life? The intricate process of hearing includes sensory input, neural processing, and cognitive interpretation that allows us to navigate the auditory world around us. This comprehensive guide explains more about auditory perception and explores how hearing works. The Anatomy of Hearing Outer Ear The journey …
Your Guide to Rechargeable Hearing Aids
One of the most exciting recent changes in hearing aids is rechargeable hearing aids. Are you tired of replacing batteries? You’re not the only one. Rechargeable batteries might be the perfect option for your next hearing aid. Let’s take a closer look at what makes rechargeable hearing aids so special, and why they could be your new go-to hearing aid. …
Treat Hearing Loss to Help You Stay Socially Connected
While a lot of us are getting back to our social lives after the global pandemic which spread across the world around three years ago, some aspects of our social life still just don’t feel the same. This may feel especially true for people with a developing hearing loss. It may have been present years before the pandemic hit, but …
Tired of Loud Restaurants? This App Will Help
We go out to eat to enjoy a meal and avoid cooking for the night, but it’s more than that! It’s the lighting, ambiance, the music playing in the background, the décor, the way the food is plated and of course the company. Besides being nourished with food we often go out to eat to connect to others. However, restaurants, …
Improving Communication with Your Family
Is your father or mother struggling to keep up with conversations? Do they ask you to repeat yourself often, or do they complain that you are always mumbling? Maybe when you call, they don’t always pick up the phone. While you can chalk it up to forgetfulness, it’s more likely that they didn’t even hear the telephone ringing. Another common …
How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships
Ignoring hearing loss one of the harmful things a person can do to their overall health. Hearing loss impacts every facet of our lives. Our communication relies on our sense of hearing and communication is the foundation of every relationship we have. The impact of hearing loss extends to our friends, family members, colleagues and beyond. It forever changes the …
Things People with Hearing Loss Wish You Knew
People with hearing loss experience challenges that are invisible. For this reason, we must pay attention to those that have to work extra hard to communicate and partake in everyday conversations that we think little about. The fact is that hearing loss is a prevalent unseen condition, and if we stay aware and educated, we can implement ways to communicate …
Talking About Hearing Loss: Why Your Disclosure Method Matters
Based on a study by the Eye and Ear researchers of Massachusetts, there are effective methods to help you open doors to better communication for yourself and those around you. The study involved over 300 participants using a survey containing about 15 questions and resulting in 3 strategies to help combat the struggle of those with hearing loss. As intimidating …