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Answers to Your Top 10 Questions About Hearing Loss

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss, Hearing Loss Causes by audseo

Hearing loss can be a complex and challenging condition, impacting various aspects of our lives. Whether you’re personally dealing with hearing loss or seeking information for a loved one, having answers to your questions is the first step to better health outcomes. Here are answers to your top 10 questions about hearing loss. 1. What Is Hearing Loss? Hearing loss …

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How Movies Can Pose a Risk to Your Hearing

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss Causes, Hearing Protection by audseo

Movies are a beloved form of entertainment, captivating audiences with compelling stories, stunning visuals, and amazing soundtracks. However, behind the glamour lies a potential danger to your hearing health. The explosive action sequences, thunderous explosions, and booming sound effects that make movies thrilling can also expose audiences to dangerously high levels of noise. Here’s how the movies you love can …

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Household Items That Can Cause Hearing Loss: Protecting Your Auditory Health at Home

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss, Hearing Loss Causes by audseo

When we think about the potential causes of hearing loss, loud concerts and noisy workplaces often come to mind. However, many people overlook the fact that everyday household items can also pose a risk to our auditory health. From common appliances to seemingly harmless recreational activities, we’re exposed to harmful levels of noise more often than you think. Kitchen Appliances: …

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The Correlation Between Painkillers and Hearing Loss: A Gender Specific Analysis

In Hearing Loss, Hearing Loss Causes by audseo

Pain killers, also known as analgesics, have become a common part of modern healthcare for managing pain effectively. While these medications offer relief from various ailments, recent studies have raised concerns about their potential correlation with hearing loss. In today’s discussion, we aim to explore the connection between painkillers and hearing impairment, with a specific focus on women. We will …

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Treating the Symptoms of Acquired Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss, Hearing Loss Causes by audseo

Did you know that nearly 1 in 5 people have some degree of hearing loss? Hearing loss affects over 48 million people, making it the third most common medical condition people live with today. Learning more about hearing loss and how to identify symptoms can help protect your hearing health and wellness.  Hearing loss can either be acquired or congenital. …

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A Link between Hearing Loss and Rheumatoid Arthritis 

In Hearing Loss, Hearing Loss Causes by audseo

A recent review of published findings related to rheumatoid arthritis and hearing loss was released. The stated purpose of this review is to examine the cause, or pathology, of hearing loss in rheumatoid arthritis patients as well as to discuss management. What is Rheumatoid Arthritis? Rheumatoid Arthritis, or RA, is an autoimmune inflammatory disease. This means the patient’s own immune …

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Headphones & Hearing Aids

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss, Hearing Loss Causes, Hearing Loss Prevention by audseo

Hearing aids are truly amazing inventions which not only help millions of people hear better but have led the way in the advancement of digital miniaturization technology. When using hearing aids enjoy features such as enhanced sound, directional microphones to help you hear better in noise and background suppression. However, it can be challenging to navigate interactions with other technology …

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Hearing Loss Myths

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss, Hearing Loss Causes, Hearing Loss Prevention by audseo

Do you suspect you have hearing loss but your reluctant to seek treatment? There are many misconceptions which keep people from seeking the treatment they need. In fact, the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) reports that only about one out of five people who would benefit from a hearing aid actually seek treatment. When people understand …

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Head Injuries & Hearing Loss

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss, Hearing Loss Causes by audseo

While hearing loss is a condition that may not initially seem as serious as other chronic health issues, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease, its effects are far-reaching. Ultimately, hearing loss is a communication issue. It often begins slowly but over years it can turn into a rift in your closest relationships, missed job opportunities, and lack of mobility due …