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What to Ask During A Hearing Consultation

In Hearing Loss by Aaron Gingrich

Congratulations! If you’re here to read about hearing consultations, then you have made the first crucial step towards your hearing health. Since neglected hearing loss contributes to a host of other health conditions and continues to negatively impact your daily communications, the sooner you have the check-up, the sooner you can chart a course to a healthier, fuller hearing experience. …

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Facts & Fictions about Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss by Aaron Gingrich

Wearing hearing aids used to carry a very negative connotation, but these days with education and easy access to information and research, that is slowly changing. It is not uncommon to see most people walking around with earbuds at any given time, so wearing something like hearing aids should not be a big jump. Hearing aids are more advanced and …

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Things People with Hearing Loss Wish You Knew

In Communiation, Hearing Loss by Aaron Gingrich

People with hearing loss experience challenges that are invisible. For this reason, we must pay attention to those that have to work extra hard to communicate and partake in everyday conversations that we think little about. The fact is that hearing loss is a prevalent unseen condition, and if we stay aware and educated, we can implement ways to communicate …

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Investing in Your Health: Treating Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss by Aaron Gingrich

Did you know that over 80% of hearing loss cases stand to benefit from proper diagnosis and treatment? Unfortunately, hearing loss is not a high priority when we think of our general health. A multitude of contributing factors such as lack of information to negative stereotypes to ignorance to prohibitive costs. Currently, 1 in 5 adults in America is living …

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Talking About Hearing Loss: Why Your Disclosure Method Matters

In Communiation, Hearing Loss by Aaron Gingrich

Based on a study by the Eye and Ear researchers of Massachusetts, there are effective methods to help you open doors to better communication for yourself and those around you. The study involved over 300 participants using a survey containing about 15 questions and resulting in 3 strategies to help combat the struggle of those with hearing loss. As intimidating …

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May is Better Speech and Hearing Month!

In Hearing Loss by Aaron Gingrich

Throughout the month of May, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association of America (ASHA) wants to help you focus on the health of your hearing throughout your life. The main goal is to illuminate the public on the subject of hearing health and our need to attend to it consistently throughout our lifetime. Access to resources, trending news on hearing technologies, and …

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Occupational Hearing Hazards  

In Hearing Loss by Aaron Gingrich

Work can be a noisy place at times, especially if you work in certain industries. While you might complain about it occasionally to your work colleagues, it could actually be damaging your ears. Twenty-two million workers are exposed to potentially damaging noise at work each year. It’s important to remember that if unaddressed, your boss could actually be breaking the …

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Veterans and Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss by Aaron Gingrich

Do you have friends or family members who have served our country? Rates of hearing loss among veterans are far higher than among the general public. In the line of duty, military personnel often face extremely loud noises, and when they’re not wearing proper hearing protection, these noises can cause permanent and severe hearing loss that will haunt them for …

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Tips for Traveling with Hearing Aids

In Hearing Aids, Tips and Tricks by Aaron Gingrich

Looking forward to an upcoming vacation? With or without hearing aids, traveling can be stressful. Keep in mind the following tips for traveling with hearing loss for your much-needed escape from the daily grind and get the most out of your journey! Your destination Location is everything, whether you are in a busy city or a beach town. Check if …

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Tips for Driving with Hearing Aids

In Hearing Loss by Aaron Gingrich

[Driving is a necessity for most Americans, and we think nothing of getting in that car in the morning. But it is more dangerous than you think. Fatalities from accidents are the fourth leading cause of death in the US, of which car accidents make up the vast majority. It is therefore important to take safety seriously.  For someone with …