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Hearing Aids Can Help Improve Your Sense of Balance

In Hearing Aids by audseo

Most people walk through their day without giving a second thought to what keeps us balanced and ideally that’s how it should be! It’s not until you struggle to stay upright that you may wonder what it is that keeps us upright. Well, the answer is it’s a combination of a lot of different systems of our body, from our …

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Hearing Aids Can Improve Your Sense of Balance

In Hearing Aids by audseo

“Every second of every day, an older adult (age 65+) suffers a fall in the U.S.—making falls the leading cause of injury and injury death in this age group” according to the CDC. This age group is also disproportionately impacted by hearing loss, a chronic medical condition that reduces one’s capacity to hear and process speech as well as sound. …

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Tips for Cleaning Your Hearing Aids

In Hearing Aids, Tips and Tricks by audseo

Hearing aids are an important investment in your health. These hearing instruments provide ample support for millions of people with hearing loss. Hearing aids, unlike other types of electronic devices, are exposed to various elements that can adversely impact them. This includes earwax, moisture, and dirt which can damage hearing aid components and reduce their performance. Regular cleaning and hearing …

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Understanding the Experience of Hearing Loss

In Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss by audseo

Being misinformed about hearing loss can have serious consequences. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there about hearing loss and about the people who are affected by it, which can lead to actions or decisions that are not conducive to interactions. Here, we will dispel some of the most common misconceptions about hearing loss so that you can …

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This November, Test your Hearing in Honor of American Diabetes Month

In Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss by audseo

From vision issues and kidney problems to hearing loss, the complications of diabetes can be wide ranging. Understanding the steps to take for prevention as well as management of diabetes can help to protect from most of these complications. What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs when the pancreas fails to produce any or not enough insulin …

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Adjusting to New Hearing Aids

In Hearing Aids by audseo

For many of us, adjusting to new hearing aids can be a challenge. Whether you’re dealing with a new diagnosis of hearing loss and using a hearing device for the first time or simply upgrading to a new model, it’s important to remember that there is a learning curve involved. Here are a few tips to help you make the …

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All About Assistive Listening Devices

In Hearing Aids by audseo

For those of us using hearing aids, we already know how supportive they can be. They are essential in helping you follow everyday conversations and help you be more alert of sounds in the world. However, there are some instances that even with hearing aids, you are going to need a little bit of extra help to hear. This is …

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Common Hearing Aid Problems & How to Fix Them

In Hearing Aids by audseo

Hearing aids are an investment not only in your ears but your overall health and well-being! If you have recently purchased a new pair of hearing aids, you are most likely already enjoying the benefits across all aspects of your life such as improved communication, greater confidence, more ease of mobility, and more cognitive ease. Now that you have your …

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Hearing Aids Are Found to Improve Depressive Symptoms

In Hearing Aids by audseo

Hearing loss is one of the leading chronic health issues impacting Americans, with roughly one in eight people over the age of 12 showing signs of hearing loss in both ears. Among one the lesser-known effects of the hearing loss that often comes with age are a heightened risk of depression. This is an important aspect of the whole hearing …