Tips for Cleaning Your Hearing Aids

Tips for Cleaning Your Hearing Aids

In Hearing Aids, Tips and Tricks by audseo

Hearing aids are an important investment in your health. These hearing instruments provide ample support for millions of people with hearing loss. Hearing aids, unlike other types of electronic devices, are exposed to various elements that can adversely impact them. This includes earwax, moisture, and dirt which can damage hearing aid components and reduce their performance. Regular cleaning and hearing aid maintenance can help minimize the impact of daily wear and tare which supports the longevity as well as effectiveness of your device. 

Tips to Effectively Clean Hearing Aids

Cleaning your hearing aids regularly contributes to optimal performance and your device lasting longer. Tips to integrate include the following: 

  • Use proper tools: there are different tools that are used to clean hearing aids.Hearing aid cleaning tools can typically be found in drug stores or online. Common cleaning supplies include: 
  • Dry cloth: a soft and dry cloth is used to thoroughly wipe down your hearing aid – removing any earwax and/or moisture from the day. 
  • Brush: a soft brush tip cleans the exterior of the hearing aid including the sound port and faceplate of the device. 
  • Wax pick: this tool is used to remove wax, dirt, and other debris that can accumulate on hearing aids. It gets into the tiny nooks and smaller areas which can be harder to clean. 
  • All-in-one tool: a multi-tool, this consists of a brush and a wax pick to thoroughly clean your hearing aid. 

It is useful to ask your hearing healthcare provider about the supplies that are best to 

clean your specific hearing aids. 

  • Establish routine: Another useful tip is to establish a cleaning routine. This involves identifying where your hearing aids are stored, when, and how to best clean them as well as practicing good habits around cleaning your device. This includes always washing your hands before removing and cleaning your hearing aids and removing your device before showering or putting products in your hair. Cleaning your device at the end of the night, right before sleeping, is another useful tip to integrate into your routine. This allows your hearing aids to dry overnight. 
  • Avoid extreme temperature changes: it is important to avoid moisture damage. You can do this by removing your hearing aids before swimming, storing your hearing aids in a room temperature space, not putting your hearing aids in the bathroom where moisture accumulates etc. 

Practicing these tips on a daily basis can help keep your hearing aids in pristine shape, enhancing their overall performance. 

Cleaning ITE Hearing Aids

If you have an in-the-ear hearing aid, apply the following tips to effectively clean your device: 

  1. Using a brush, clean the openings of your hearing aid. This includes the microphone ports which can have earwax on it. Hold your device upside down while doing this so any particles that may be on it fall out. 
  2. After this, use a wax pick to remove any earwax in the nooks and holes of your device that the brush may have missed. 
  3. Lastly, use a soft dry cloth to wipe down your entire hearing aid. 

It is important to thoroughly inspect your device and make sure it is clean and you haven’t missed anything that may have stuck to it. 

Cleaning BTE Hearing Aids

The cleaning process for behind-the-ear hearing aids should include: 

  1. Use a brush or dry cloth to thoroughly wipe down the hearing aid, removing any dirt or moisture on the device. 
  2. Next, separate the earmold from the hook so you can clean this component. Use a cloth to widen the earmold down. In addition to doing this daily, you can also soak your earmold in warm water with soap once a week. Be sure to dry the earmold overnight before reinserting. 
  3. Thoroughly clean tubing (you can use a build blower) which can become clogged with earwax and/or moisture. 

Earmolds can experience discoloration and/or stain over time, soaking weekly can help with this. 

Additional Tips

For best hearing aid cleaning and maintenance, a few reminders and tips to follow are: 

  • Avoid using any chemicals and alcohol to clean your hearing aids. 
  • Remove the batteries and clean the battery compartment as well as letting it dry out overnight. 
  • Talk to your hearing healthcare provider about using a dehumidifier which dries your hearing aid. This is especially useful if you live in a humid climate or spend a lot of time outdoors. 

Cleaning your hearing aids thoroughly every night supports the longevity and effective performance of your device. Contact us today to learn more about hearing aid maintenance.